Unclutter your digital workplace and get more done
Working paperless requires direct and quick access to a file
Going paperless is a necessity but requires discipline to keep track of everything correctly and completely. A customer or project file should always be "complete".
Reducing the number of clicks wins time every day
Dozens of clicks in a file explorer to open the correct location is time consuming
ByondFiles automatically brings order and discipline
By banishing cumbersome edits, the discipline of keeping a file complete becomes naturally
Make the mail chaos of attachments and versions of documents disappear
Share a file folder with external parties via a secure link so that each has the same version.
Find and open a file after entering only three letters....
For those who want to find or add documents quickly on mobile, this is a must. Clicking again and again in the explorer is time consuming.
PDF, Word, Excel, notes as well as email and photos are full-fledged documents that belong together
ByondFIles makes finding them together a no brainer. A complete dossier where everything is centralized lets everyone save time.
A dossier is more than a collection of folders
A customer or project file also contains mail addresses, folder rules, access rights, metadata....
When Outlook immediately opens the file to which the sender is linked.
Save emails and attachments from Outlook with one click
Work with all the applications you use today.
All applications you use today, work the same way in ByondFiles.
Already working daily with ByondFiles
Experience ByondFiles
ByondFiles in Microsoft Outlook
When dossiers are available directly in Outlook, saving a mail and attachments is one click away. ByondFiles itself suggests the dossier you linked the sender to.
Share one or more file folders to create a document portal
A document portal reduces the number of mails and keeps a clear overview of current versions of documents for both internal and external parties. Sharing of files or folders is secure and you can track which documents were seen and/or downloaded . Externals have access via the link received or via your website.
Work in completely the same way: desktop and mobile
Have identically the same user experience regardless of the device you are using.Start in the same location as you were on another device.
Add photos immediately in the correct location
Keep the private album separate from the photos taken for work. Take multiple photos in succession with a single click and immediately upload them to the appropriate folder.
Create new dossiers according to templates
...And rest assured that each file is structured, secured and organized in the same way.
Use your current apps
Edit Office365 files as well as all others in use today within ByondFiles.
Unclutter your digital workspace and get more done ...
With ByondFiles, you save time and everything is in order. Book a demo and find out for yourself.