Find what you need

Searching in ByondFiles is fast and efficient. This is the result of the uniform naming conventions and clear dossier structure that ByondFiles offers. Assign tags to documents, dossiers and folders. You can freely configure these tags. Use tags to specify the status of a project, a customer type, an area...


Enter a search term or use tags to find your documents easily. A combination of the two results in an ultra-fast search function.

Searching and tags

With tags, you will see documents filed together because they could belong together in a certain way, and not because they happen to be kept in the same folder.


In the illustration, we can see all the individual projects of David Ashley. By grouping them, David can quickly gain an overview of all his projects.

Unclutter your digital workspace and get more done ...

With ByondFiles, you save time and everything is in order. Book a demo and find out for yourself.

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